Macro Fixed Term Bank: Invest $75,000 and earn that money in 30 days.


The pesos are “burning” in your pocket due to inflation monthly of almost 5% and therefore the traditional blocking period is positioned as an ideal option to not lose purchasing power and still have an extra profit. One of the private banks What makes this investment possible is Banco Macro.

In this sense, to know the profitability that can be obtained from this instrument with a initial capital of $75,000, iProfessional calculated the minimum placement period determined by the 30 day system.

As information to take into account, it is worth remembering that the Central BankHe raised for the last time interest rate in mid-September last year to 75% annual (TNA) for natural persons on deposits made for less than $10 million.

Thus, the traditional fixed term offers a profitability of 6.2% monthly, higher than the monthly inflation recorded in November and December, which was 4.9% and 5.1%, respectively.

That is, it grants a gain of almost one percentage point above the prices applied in the economy.

Fixed term versus inflation

Thus, for economists,30 day deposits To date, they have become an attractive savings vehicle, since it allows them to “beat” the price index by consumer (CPI). This trend will continue in the coming months.

According to the latest survey of Market Expectations (REM), prepared by central bank based on a survey of around 40 analysts, the forecast is that inflation will remain in these months at a level lower than that offered by the Bank deposits.

Unless there is consensus, the CPI growth could be 5.6% in January and 5.7% in February.

Macro Fixed Term Bank: Invest $75,000 and earn that money

Even considering a longer duration, the traditional fixed term can be considered a better offer, since the Annual Effective Rate (ATE), which is obtained by renewing the investment made each month plus the accrued interest, within a full year in one line collect 107%, which represents a theoretical rate of 8,92% monthly.

In summary, it can be said that for everything the year 2023 you can get a profitability higher than expected inflation, which according to the forecasts of economists consulted by the central bank round the 99%.

Banco Macro: How much can you earn with $ 75,000?

Savers who, for example, have available around US$75,000 for one traditional investment with a 30-day term in Banco Macro, you should know that, after waiting this period, They will receive a total of 79,623 pesos.

Consequently, the net profit of the deposit after almost a month of waiting is $4.623, which is equivalent to a interest rate close to 6.2% monthly or 75% TNA.

Based on the information published on the official website of this bank, it is detailed that to establish a traditional fixed term it is necessary to follow some very simple steps, which can be completed through internet banking and the Macro application.

It is also possible to carry out this procedure in person, going to the physical branches that the company has in the different geographical points of Argentina.

Consequently, after choosing the most practical way to establish the traditional fixed term, interested parties are asked to indicate the amount of pesos they wish to deposit and the selected period in which they will leave their money.

After completing all requested information, the creation of this investment is complete.