Apps to know who is online


Have you ever been curious about who is online? We can help you! With apps to find out who is online.

That's right, there are several apps out there these days that can show you if that special contact is online and not responding to you.

And you know what's best? Many of these apps work without the need for an internet connection, which guarantees that you can get this information even when you're not connected.

So, if you are already eager to know who is online, stay with us as we present you with a list of the best options. Shall we?

WaStat – WhatsApp Tracker

Let's start with one of the most popular apps for those who want to monitor who's online.

WaStat is super easy and simple to use! After installing it, you just have to add the contacts you want to monitor and that's it, the app will automatically tell you when these people are online or offline.

And for those who like to keep an eye on the details, WaStat also has a history of the times when the contact was active.

So if you sent a message and didn't get a reply, at least you'll know if they saw the message.

The best thing of all is that the platform is completely free, you don't pay anything to satisfy your curiosity!

So, if you are curious to know whether that specific person is online or just spying on your messages without replying, just download WaStat, it will help you out.

WhatzTrack – WhatsApp Online Tracker

Another great app to know who is online is WhatzTrack, a distraction-free platform that gives you quick answers.

WhatzTrack stands out for being easy to use and also allows you to monitor several contacts at the same time.

That's right, if you want to know about your dad, your mom, your boyfriend and even your crush, go ahead, you can monitor as many people as you want.

Your detective mode will be activated quickly with so much practicality that this application offers. If you are looking for something without complications, this platform is for you.


Then we have ChatWatch, an app that, in addition to monitoring who is online, also creates WhatsApp usage patterns.

How does that work? It's simple! The platform accesses the behavior patterns and creates statistics of the user's access to WhatsApp.

This can be helpful because it will let you know when your contact accesses messages the most and when is the best time to send a “Hi, Missing Person.”

And in addition to detailing your contacts' habits, it notifies you when the contact is online.

Cool, huh? It's like a discreet little spy that keeps you informed about the activities of your friends and acquaintances.


To conclude our selection of apps to see who is online, we have a very popular one: WhatsMonitor.

With this app, you can see whoever you want by adding them to your monitoring list, and the app also notifies you as soon as the person goes online or offline.

Do you want to be kept up to date in a practical and free way? WhatsMonitor can help you satisfy your curiosity without having to ask the person directly.

This app is free, but it also has a paid version with more features. You just have to evaluate which features you need.


Whether for personal or even professional reasons, having an app that shows you who is online can be very useful.

It's true that the issue of privacy can be questioned, but let's face it, who has never been curious to know if their crush was online?

Each application has its advantages and now you just have to choose the one that suits you best.

Finally, you just have to download it through Play Store on your Android or from the Apple Store in your iOS.