assistive technology

Tecnología asistencial

Assistive technology is a field in constant evolution whose objective is to improve people's quality of life through devices, equipment and computer programs that help overcome physical, sensory or cognitive limitations. This technology can be used in various areas, from health and well-being to education and work. The … Read more

Application to watch open television

Aplicación para ver televisión abierta

Nowadays, there are various applications that allow us to watch open television from our mobile devices or tablets. In this sense, we have selected the 3 best apps that will allow you to access live programming. Exclusive content from the main open television channels in Latin America and Spain. With these applications you can enjoy … Read more

With these apps you can watch open TV

Con estas apps puedes ver TV abierta en tu celular

Would you like to enjoy your favorite free-to-air television programs on your cell phone, without paying anything and with the best quality? Then don't miss this list of applications that will allow you to access hundreds of live and on-demand channels. From anywhere and at any time. With these applications you can watch news, … Read more

Meta prepares a new social network similar to Twitter

Meta prepara una nueva red social similar a Twitter

Meta is preparing a new social network similar to Twitter. This news shook social networks and the stock market also reviews this information here on our site. Meta, formerly known as Facebook, recently announced plans to create a new social network similar to Twitter. Although there is not much information available about the project,… Read more

Technology in education

Tecnología en la educación

Welcome, today we are going to talk about technology in education. Would it be good for students' learning or would it be bad for them to replace traditional materials (notebook, pencils and erasers) with computing? Technology has revolutionized the world in many areas and education is no exception. In recent years, the… Read more

Identify any plant with the following applications

Identifica cualquier planta con las siguientes aplicciones

¡Hola! Si eres un amante de la naturaleza y siempre te has preguntado el nombre de una planta que has visto, ¡tengo buenas noticias para ti! Hoy en día, existen numerosos aplicativos que te ayudarán a identificar plantas simplemente tomando una foto con tu celular. ¡Es impresionante lo fácil que puede ser ahora! Solo necesitas … Read more