Exchange rate of the Colombian dollar today, December 20: exchange rate and value in Colombian pesos


This is the price of the US dollar for today, Tuesday, December 20, 2022. It is 12 $ below the previous day's close.

The exchange rate of the Colombian dollar for today, Tuesday, December 20, 2022 is: $ 4,781.28 Peso. Currently, the minimum price in dollars is $4,770 and the maximum price is $4,785. The representative market exchange rate (TRM) is the amount of Colombian pesos per one US dollar. The TRM is calculated based on the currency purchase and sale operations between financial intermediaries that operate in the Colombian exchange market, carried out on the day of the exchange.

Currently, the TRM is calculated and certified daily by the Financial Superintendence of Colombia based on the transactions recorded the previous business day. Today's day is as follows:

see here

Dollar in Colombia

With this negotiation, the average price of the dollar in Colombia is 4,777 dollars, which represents a drop of 4 dollars with respect to the current TRM. On the other hand, the average value of the dollar in Colombia in the last 15 days is 4,805.58 pesos.