Fixed term: How much will I earn if I invest $50,000, $100,000 or $1 million in 30 days?

The interest rate on fixed-term deposits has remained stable in 75 percent since last September, despite a slight slowdown in monthly inflation. How much can you expect to earn?

The inflation at the end of the year was 94.8% and remains one of the main unsolved problems of the Argentine economy.

But while the prospects for a slowdown are slim, it is true that the monthly data appears to have fallen below the level 6% monthly which continued until October.

In this context, interest rates on term deposits remain on the 75% annual nominal value achieved to adjust to the pace of price increases after the explosion of 7.4% that marked the IPC in July.

What is the interest rate for a 30-day fixed period?

This amount paid by deposits to 30 days to natural persons and for less than $10 million iimplies a profitability in 30-day cash of 6,16%.

However, until less than March (or the benchmark should return to 6.2%), the reserve market forecast (KEP) prepared by the central bank exceeded expectations and data November inflation.

Thus, the interest rates of deposits to fixed term became positive in real terms, at least in terms of expected inflation.

Expectations can be lower prices and inflation monthly may be higher than expected in the near future.

But this a priori advantage of the interest rate over the inflation expectations It's new for savers.

With the free dollar rising 10.7% so far this month, on the other hand, the strategy has lost ground against the performance of the currency.

The interest rates on term deposits are practically positive, at least in relation to expected inflation.

However, with a nominal interest rate 75% annual, the mortgage is more likely to generate inflation. This is due to current annual conditions. The constant proportions They currently yield 107,05%.

This execution is achieved in 365 days with fixed terms of one month, consecutively, for a year. Provided, of course, that both the initial capital and the accrued interest are reinvested with each new deposit.

Fixed term: How much will I earn if I invest $50,000 and $100,000

Therefore, the returns to fixed term may outperform inflation in the coming months. But what does that mean in terms of nominal returns? How much can you get in terms of results by investing your savings in these types of deposits?

How much will $ 10,000 give me in a fixed term?

A fixed term of 30 days per $10.000, at the interest rate current 75%, bring back 10,616.44 pesos at the end of the term.

That is $10,000 initial capital further $616.44 of interest, in annual terms, twelve consecutive fixed periods in which capital and interest are reinvested each time, $20,499.63 after 360 days (assuming the rate remains constant).

How much can you give me for 50,000 pesos in installments?

A fixed term of 30 days for $50,000 at the current interest rate from 75% returns 53,082.19 pesos at the end of the term.

That is $50,000 initial capital plus $3,082.19 interest. In annual terms, twelve consecutive fixed periods in which capital and interest are reinvested each time, $102,498.17 after 360 days (assuming the price remains stable).

How much can you give me to pay 100,000 pesos in installments?

Also, if you initial capital is $100,000, your result at 30 days after placement it will be 106,164 pesos.

After one year, reinvest the funds and interest every month. The result will be 204,996.34 pesos.

How much will you earn if I pay you 1 million?

On the other hand, if the initial capital is $1,000,000, the result at 30 days of placement will be 1,061,643.84 pesos. After a year Reinvest your principal and interest every month.

The result will be 2,049,963.41 pesos plus capital and interest.

What is the current Fixed Term Constant Rate?

Currently, the traditional fixed terms of 30 days for natural persons and up to $10 million in nominal annual installments, 75%, which will be 107,05% annually.